Petshop In Oblivion Xbox How Come Petshop Of Horrors Is Out Of Print And Will It Be Reprinted?

How come Petshop of Horrors is out of print and will it be reprinted? - petshop in oblivion xbox

I looked at the website that Tokyopop FOBT, the original, not in Tokyo, Petshop of Horrors, is exhausted. Why? I mean seems the way to be healthy and not as a consequence would, but not its predecessor. So, does anyone know when and why did this happen? In addition, it will never be printed again? Thank you!


Aisaka said...

I have no confirmation by Tokyopop this point, of course, but I would suspect that both Tokyopop license to expire and not profitable enough to renew both, or simply not as profitable as Tokyopop enough to continue printing.
Especially now that the proverbial baby-profit Fruits Basket is over, could begin to demand more of what they publish.

I think if enough interest exists, there could be a possible future reprints, but I think it would be a "lot" of interest ...

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